Fast Nuts Cakes.

Fast Nuts Cakes.

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Fast nuts cakes.


About 25 nuts cakes.

You need.

  • 200 gram hazelnuts.
  • 200 gram powdered sugar.
  • 2 and ½ egg whites.


  • Chop or blend the nuts roughly and mix well with the flour and egg whites, egg whites should not be whipped, just mixed in.
  • The cake mass is placed on top of the baking paper with an amount corresponding to a topped teaspoon or half a tablespoon, depending on how big you want them.
  • There must be plenty of space in between them, about 12-16 peaks per baking sheet, the baking sheet must be preheated.
  • They are baked at 180°C degrees in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, let them cool off on the baking paper, then they are easier to take off the baking paper.

Taste really well for coffee and tea or anything else.

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