Filled Donuts Without The Need For A Donuts Filler.

Filled Donuts Without The Need For A Donuts Filler.


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Filled Donuts without the need for a Donuts Filler.


The recipe is for approx 20 Filled Donuts.

You need.

  • 500 gram Wheat flour.
  • 100 gram butter margarine.
  • 50 gram Cake yeast fresh yeast.
  • 1 egg.
  • 2 teaspoon sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon salt.
  • 2 dl milk.
  • 2 liter rasp or grape seed oil.


  • 100 gram Raspberry marmalade or other marmalade.


  • 100 gram sugar.


  • The milk is heated a little and poured into a bowl, The yeast dissolves in the slightly warm milk.
  • The other ingredients are mixed in and kneaded well.
  • The dough is formed into a sausage, which is divided into approximately 40 equal pieces, they should rest for the cover for 2-3 min.
  • The dough pieces are rolled flat, they should be about 8 cm in diameter.
  • A teaspoon of marmalade is put in the middle of a slice, on which there is another disc on top, the edges are compressed well.
  • Now lay them covered in a warm place, they must rise until they have approx double size.


  • The oil is heated to 180° C.

Take care, it’s very hot.

  • Carefully put the donuts in the oil, 2-3 pieces at a time in the pan, they boil until they are golden brown, 2-3 minutes on each side,
  • remember to turn them around, place them on greasy suction paper, such as kitchen rolls.
  • After cooling, the finished donuts are sugared in sugar.

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