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Cheesecake with lime shells and dried sweet cranberries.


For the biscuit bottom you will need.

  • 250 gram Digestive Biscuits.
  • 125 gram Butter.
  • 1 teaspoon encountered cinnamon.
  • 1 Springform Pan of about 22 cm in diameter.

For the cream cheese cream you will need.

  • 3 Gelatine Leaves.
  • 400 gram Cream cheese naturel.
  • 100 gram Powdered sugar.
  • 100 gram dried sweet cranberries.
  • Fine grated shells from 2 limes.
  • dl Whipped cream.


Biscuit bottom.

  • Put the biscuits in a freezer bag and crush them with your hand or a baking roll.
  • Melt the butter with low heat and stir it with the crushed biscuits and cinnamon.
  • Push the mass into the bottom of the Springform Pan.
  • The biscuit bottom should bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 175° C degrees.
  • Before the Cream Cheese Cream comes on, the biscuit bottom must completely cool down in the Springform Pan.

Cream Cheese Cream.

  • lay the Gelatine Leaves in cold water for about 10 minutes and then take the Gelatine Leaves out of the water,
  • twist them lightly and gently melt them over a water bath.
  • While the Gelatine Leaves is in cold water, whip the cream to whipped cream in a bowl.
  • Whip cream cheese, Powdered sugar, cranberry and grated shells from 2 limes together in a bowl.
  • Stir 5 tablespoon whipped cream, along with the melted Gelatine.
  • Then stir the rest of the whipped cream, together with the cream cheese cream.
  • Finally stir the Gelatine into the cream mixture together with the cream cheese cream.
  • Spread the cream on the top of the Biscuit bottom in the Springform Pan.

Then put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

    If the cake is to be used later, it must be stored in a refrigerator.

      Bon appetite.

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